Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Post Natal Depression

Post Natal depression is also known as postpartum depression. It is one of the clinical forms of depression that occurs in women after childbirth. Women generally exhibit a period of low mood. This particular type of depression can be severe to mild, the most severe problem that it can cause is post natal psychosis (in rare cases).It is very common type of depression and occurs in one out of 8 to10 women after delivering a child. It generally occurs two or three weeks post delivery, and generally disappears after few months, however in rare cases might persist for longer.Following are the common symptoms of post natal depression exhibited by the sufferer:The most common symptoms are feelings of low, crying without any reason, sadness and mood changes.Sleeping problems such as disruptive sleep, difficulties in getting off to sleep (not because of a child to look after).Loss of energy or fatigue.Diminished interest in daily pleasure activity.AnxietyProblems in concentrating.Sufferer might loose or gain weight due to poor appetite.Suicidal thoughts.Restlessness and tiredness almost whole day.Irregularity in periods.Chest pain, headache and stomach ache.

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