Thursday, April 17, 2008

Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance, or IR, is a condition where there is insufficient amount of insulin to produce insulin response from fat, muscle and liver cells. The cause of Insulin Resistance is still unknown, but it has an inherited component. IR can cause glucose uptake reduction, and reduces the storage of glycogen, making it not available to release into blood. Worse still, it can lead to metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes.
The common symptoms that indicate Insulin Resistance include fatigue, inability to focus, low blood sugar, bloating, sleepyness, weight gain and obesity, blood triglyceride levels increasing, high blood pressure and depression. There are many treatments available to cure Insulin Resistance. First, exercise and weight loss. Metformin/Diaformin and Diabex, types of medicine, are also commonly prescribed as a medicinal treatment for Insulin Resistance. Apart from this, IR patients can add some cinnamon to their daily diet to help them control the blood sugar. However, there are on going experiments about other possibilities of treatments for Insulin Resistance patients.

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