Monday, July 21, 2008


Thank goodness for Zoloft. I am feeling like the symptoms that saw me put on it originally are coming back. Zoloft is used for depression, mainly, but I find it also helps me with anxiety and to some extent, my anger. But lately I have been having trouble coping with my daughter (who is almost four). She needs constant stimulation and I simply cannot give it to her. What with being pregnant and trying to work from home, it is starting to get on top of me. I want to up my dosage but I am loathe to do it without going to the doctor first. So it looks like an appointment is in order - and perhaps a trip to my counsellor.

1 comment:

Amy Bennett said...

I too have Fibro. I often wonder how someone with Fibro can cope with being pregnant & raising a family. What sort of treatments are you on?